The following AEW Full Gear results are written by Ryan Howard of They will be updated throughout the night.
Zero Hour – AEW Full Gear
Excalibur welcomes us to the AEW Full Gear pre-show alongside Taz & Tony Schiavone and runs down the card.
AEW All-Atlantic Champion Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, Chuck Taylor, Rocky Romero & Danhausen vs. QT Marshall, Aaron Solo, Nick Comoroto, Lee Johnson & Cole Karter
The very mysterious, very evil mystery partner of Best Friends didn’t show up in the early going of this one. Taylor & Trent took turns having their way with Solo and Johnson suffered the same fate with Roppongi Vice. Romero hit his forever clotheslines in the corner, as Marshall was ping ponged around with punches. The Factory robbed Excalibur of hitting his line for a Best Friends group hug, as Taz stole it, while The Factory hugged Marshall.
Trent was isolated momentarily until he got knees up to avoid a Karter frog splash and laid out Marshall with a back suplex. Cassidy lit up Comoroto with his little kicks. Used his speed to thwart Karter, Solo & Johnson and delivered ten buckle shots to Marshall. Cassidy tried a satellite DDT, but Marshall put on the brakes into a pop up punch. Trent countered a Cutter into a Tornado DDT, as everyone took turns hitting their big moves until Cassidy starched Johnson with a satellite DDT. Karter wiped out all three of his teammates on a dive, as Rocky, Taylor & Trent hit triple dives. Marshall countered Orange Punch into a Cutter and was about to piledrive Cassidy on the ring steps.
Before Marshall could do it, Danhausen, with new ring gear, entrance and has a jar of teeth and spike. A slingshot German on Marshall, release Northern Lights on Karter, lariat to Solo, snap German to Johnson led to Cassidy hitting a Orange Punch on Comoroto. Danhausen poured the loose teeth into Comoroto’s mouth and hit a pump kick for the win.
-Backstage Renee Paquette is with the newest member of the AEW roster, Konosuke Takeshita. He was happy with his performance last night on Rampage and happy to be back in America. He thanks Tony Khan & the fan, as this is his dream as he’s officially moved to America.
Ricky Starks vs. Brian Cage (w/Prince Nana)
Ethan Page joined commentary for this match, as Cage attacked at the bell, but Starks turned it into a slug fest that spilled outside. Cage hit a superplex from the ring apron back inside and posed for the crowd. Starks tried a comeback, but was quickly beaten down in the corner. Cage really zoned in on the ribs until Starks got a boot up in the corner and followed up with leaping back elbows and a clothesline. Starks tried a cross body off the top, but Cage caught him into a back breaker for two. Starks countered a reverse DDT into a Tornado DDT of his own, tried Roshambo, but the ribs were injured. Cage tried Weapon-X, but Starks got a roll up for a super close two. Starks answered with a Spear for a near fall of his own. Cage hit a powerbomb, buckle bomb and discus lariat, but again Starks kicked out. Starks avoided a top rope elbow, Cage looked for a F-5, but Starks countered into a Destroyer then Roshambo for the win. Page stared down Starks from the ramp, as the finals for the Title Eliminator Tournament is set for Dynamite.
A video package on Saraya’s return to the ring in 5 years is shown ahead of her match with Britt Baker tonight. AEW Full Gear Results below!
-Backstage Renee Paquette is with Eddie Kingston, who is moments away from his dream match. He tells Renee he doesn’t want to talk right now, but he was 18 when he saw Akiyama and can’t put into words how he feels about this match. You can hear the crowd chanting for Eddie.
Eddie Kingston vs. Jun Akiyama
Massive ovation for Kingston, as Akiyama ran through a chop, while Kingston blocked a high knee to start. Both men jockeyed for position before Kingston got a full nelson, Akiyama got the ropes and ate a Kingston chop that echoed. A chop & forearm exchange rang loud as Akiyama’s chest is beat red. Akiyama was sent outside, as Kingston went after, looking for a half & half on the apron, but Akiyama countered into a DDT and guillotine knee on the apron. With the arms locked, Akiyama hit a violent curb stomp and piledriver for two.
Akiyama again was cut off in the ropes, as Kingston bit him and nailed a superplex. Machine gun chops from Kingston, as Akiyama absorbed them and hit machine gun forearms. Kingston answered with more chops and hit a half and half. Both men popped up to deliver Exploder suplexes before Akiyama hit a charging knee for the double down. Kingston avoided another Exploder and hit a perfect DDT of his own. Spinning back fist crumbled Akiyama, who blocked a second one into an Exploder and charging exposed knee for a close two. Kingston fought back with a Northern Lights Bomb and hit another spinning back fist to put away Akiyama for three. Kingston was brought to tears, as this was the biggest win of his career with the amount of respect he has for Jun Akiyama. Kingston bowed and shook hands with Akiyama, as he gave Akiyama the ring to cheers in a very classy move.
Kingston took the mic post match and said not to thank him, it’s about thanking the fans for showing up and thanking Jun Akiyama. Kingston shows respect to Giant Baba, Rikidozan, Mitsuharu Misawa, Jumbo Tsuruta & Antonio Inoki and hopes he made them all proud. He went to run down the PPV card himself, but got cut off, so he just said bye and left, which was pretty hilarious. AEW Full Gear to begin shortly!
AEW Full Gear
Excalibur & Taz are joined by Jim Ross to comprise the announce team for the AEW Full Gear show.
“Jungle Boy” Jack Perry vs. Luchasaurus (w/Christian Cage) in a Steel Cage Match
Excalibur informs us pinfalls or submissions only in this cage match. Perry used his speed in the early going to avoid the clutches of Luchasaurus, springing off the cage and hitting a missile dropkick. Luchasaurus got his grips on Perry and lawn darted him into the cage and already busting him open. Luchasaurus picked Perry apart, launching him into the cage repeatedly and delivered a Razor’s Edge into the cage for two. Perry countered a corner chokeslam into an arm bar, but was cut off on the top with a massive choke slam by Luchasaurus, who followed with the Cutthroat for two.
Luchasaurus got in the face of referee Bryce, which allowed Christian to pick the pocket of referee Mike Posey, who had the keys to the cage door. The door is open, as security went to escort Christian away, but Luchasaurus cleared them away. Perry nailed a dive from the ring to the floor, but Luchasaurus blocked another dive and slingshot Perry into the cage. Luchasaurus threw a table, two chairs and Perry himself into the ring. Luchasaurus took too long and Perry hit a series of dropkicks and kicked Luchasaurus’ face into the cage. Perry was backdropped on the apron, as Luchasaurus tried a chokeslam through a chair, but Perry countered into a step up Destroyer off the chair and Killswitch onto the chair for two.
Perry went for another launch off the chair, but this time Luchasaurus blocked it into a chokeslam through the chair. While in the corner, Perry fought free and hit an avalanche Sliced Bread, as both men sat up like the Undertaker that led to a slug fest., as Perry refused to stay down, as he dropped Luchasaurus with a stalling piledriver for a near fall. Perry got a sleeper, but Luchasaurus countered into multiple Tombstone’s, but Perry wouldn’t quit. Luchasaurus tried a Cutthroat through the table, but Perry got a sleeper, sat Luchasaurus on the table and swung a chair at his face. Perry climbed the cage, gave a kiss to his late father and hit a huge elbow drop through the table. Snare Trap was applied and Luchasarus submitted. Post match, Perry climbed over the cage and hugged his mother and sister ringside.
The Elite’s entrance had a video shown that ended saying “Carry On” that led to Kansas ‘Carry on Wayward Son’ playing to an amazing entrance from Omega & The Bucks. The crowd sang along, Taz did the guitar riffs; this was a sight to see.
Death Triangle (PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) vs. The Elite (Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson) w/Don Callis, Michael Nakazawa & Brandon Cutler)
Don Callis joined commentary, as the crowd immediately did a F*ck CM Punk and Colt Cabana chant. Omega & PAC started fast with Omega trying his jump over face buster, but PAC landed on his feet and spat in the face of Omega. Fenix & Nick jumped in and went a mile a minute with their offense before trading high kicks until Penta & Matt joined and we had a crazy series of kicks that led to a face off. The crowd went nuts, as The Bucks hit superkicks on everyone to stand tall. Penta was taken out with corner kicks from the Bucks and hurricanrana by Omega, who dished one out to Fenix as well. Nick hit a twisting dive on PAC and took a sip from a fans soda ringside, as he asked it if was diet.
Omega went for You Can’t Escape on Penta, but his leg was wiped out by PAC, who pounced on the downed Omega. Death Triangle hit a triple dropkick on Omega for a near fall. PAC, whose nose was busted open from the dive by Nick Jackson, missed a dive and Omega pie faced him down. Matt did locomotion Northern Lights on the Lucha Bros, but Fenix did a cazadora and Penta did a double stomp off the top to the groin. Matt remained isolated until he hit a cazadora face buster to make the Nick hot tag.
Nick did a subtle Punk reference by doing a step up corner knee and running bulldog out of the corner as Omega tagged in, hit a Snap Dragon on Penta & PAC and wiped them both out with his Terminator dive. Fenix & Nick had a back and forth, but led to Matt hitting a springboard DDT on the apron, as Fenix took a gnarly neck bump. Nick & Penta fought up to the top and Nick hit a super hurricanrana and wiped out everyone on the floor. Back inside, Omega hit a leg trap neckbreaker on the knee for two on PAC. Omega signaled for V-Trigger, but PAC countered into a snap German. The Elite went for a Tombstone on PAC, but Lucha Bros stopped it and Death Triangle hit triple Tombstone’s.
Fenix hit a splash off his brother’s shoulders out of the corner, hit a diving Destroyer, while PAC hit Black Arrow into the Brutalizer on Omega. The Bucks made the save, as the Lucha Bros wiped out The Bucks outside yet again. Fenix hit a spin corner kick, spinning arm drag and double stomp on Omega’s ribs. PAC tossed the ring hammer to Fenix, who refused again to use it, as Omega laid him out with a V-Trigger. Omaga hit a Tiger Driver 98, but Fenix kicked out to the sound of Fight Forever chants.
Sling Blades dished out to everyone by Penta, but he ran into triple superkicks. Nick hit Fenix with a Poison Rana and laid out by BTE Trigger, but PAC broke it up. PAC went for the hammer shot on Omega, but ate a superkick. Nick wiped out PAC with a dive, Matt hit a moonsault off the top, while Omega hit Fenix with V-Trigger. PAC slid Fenix the hammer, as Omega raised him up for One Winged Angel, but Fenix had no choice, used the hammer and rolled up Omega for the win. Fenix was upset with himself; while PAC was proud he finally used the hammer.
Jade Cargill (w/Kiera Hogan & Leila Grey) vs. Nyla Rose (w/Vickie Guerrero & Marina Shafir)
Nyla made her entrance in a low rider with Vickie & Marina joining her, while Jade’s gear is inspired by Cheetara. Before the bell, Rose attacked Hogan outside, who had possession of the TBS title. Cargill took the fight to Rose for the match to officially begin as she hit a pump kick that sent Rose over the barricade. Rose was able to regain control in the ring and hit a leaping splash for two. Cargill got a boot up in the corner, leapt off the second rope, but Rose got a boot up of her own. Rose blocked a pump kick, both tried suplexes and Rose hit the knee drop to a hung up Cargill for two.
Cargill avoided a Beast Bomb into a forearm for a double down. Cargill was able to power Rose up into a Beast Bomb of her own for a close two. Rose rolled through Jaded and hit one of her own for a near fall. Rose went up top, but missed a senton, as Cargill hit a pump kick and Jaded to retain her title and go 42-0.
AEW Full Gear continues!
Bobby Cruise is doing ring introductions, while Ian Riccaboni joined commentary for our upcoming ROH Title match.
Chris Jericho vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Sammy Guevara
Jericho & Castagnoli began outside, while Danielson & Guevara paired off in the ring before Guevara was sent outside and Danielson hit a dive. Jericho quickly rammed Danielson into the steps. Back inside, Jericho ate some Danielson chops and ping ponged with uppercuts by the Blackpool Combat Club before Guevara made the save. Castagnoli & Danielson hit charging corner attacks, shook hands and started swinging at one another. Rolling arm bar by Danielson, but Castagnoli powered up into a series of near falls. Jericho fought off both men, but was planted with double flapjack into a double single leg crab. Guevara put a stop to it with a double cutter and tried stealing the pin. Jericho & Guevara posed for the crowd, dispatched of Castagnoli and delivered a delayed suplex on Danielson, as both went to the bad eye.
Jericho & Guevara took turns lighting Danielson up with chops before the tables were turned and Danielson dished out kicks aplenty. Guevara landed on his feet after a super hurricanrana by Danielson and hit his standing Spanish Fly. Jericho nailed a Lionsault and landed on both men as a result. Castagnoli returned and hit a charging double stomp on Jericho for two. Castagnoli tried a springing uppercut, but Jericho countered into a Code Breaker. Guevara broke up the pin attempt and Jericho couldn’t believe it. Both men shoved one another and led to a strike exchange with Guevara getting a two off a Code Breaker.
Guevara tried the Walls of Jericho, but Jericho countered into his own. Danielson tried to break it up with a dropkick, but got locked in the Walls himself. Jericho no sold Castagnoli big boots, so he dropped Jericho with a suplex and sank in a Sharpshooter. Jericho tried to pin Danielson while in the hold, but Danielson locked on the LeBell Lock. Guevara broke it up with superkicks and instead of going for Castagnoli or Danielson, Guevara opted to help Jericho up and drop him with the GTH and Shooting Star Press for two.
Anvil elbows just pissed off Danielson, who no sold and slapped the taste out of his mouth. Castagnoli pressed Guevara over his head and launched him down to the floor onto Jericho. Castagnoli turned around into a Busaiku kneeto give Danielson two. Castagnoli & Danielson took turns with anvil elbows, as Castagnoli tried a pop up uppercut, but Danielson got a backslide for two. Guevara hit a springboard cutter on Castagnoli and Spanish Fly off the ropes on Danielson, who quickly locked on the LeBell Lock. Jericho broke it up and everyone spilled outside, where Danielson was planted with a Neutralizer. Guevara hit a Shooting Star outside, tried a springboard back in the ring, but Castagnoli hit a pop up uppercut for two. Giant Swing to Guevara was broke up, as Jericho hit a leaping Judas Effect to stop the move and another proper one to pin Castagnoli and retain.
AEW Full Gear continues!
Saraya vs. Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D.
The first bump Saraya took, the referee had to check on her, she took her time getting up, but smiled at Baker. Saraya hit a thrust kick that sent Baker to the floor to regroup. Baker avoided a baseball slide and dropped Saraya with a spinning neckbreaker on the floor. Baker applied a cravat and got in the face of Saraya’s brother ringside. Back inside, Baker really zoned in on the neck, hitting a misdirect neckbreaker and sent Saraya outside again. Baker talked too much trash and was dropped face first on the apron, as Saraya answered with a cross body.
Both ladies traded forearms until Saraya hit a series of short clotheslines for two. Baker blocked a corner boot and sent Saraya face first into the buckle, but Saraya hit the Paige Turner, which Excalibur called the Knight Cap for a near fall. Baker nearly surprised Saraya with Lock Jaw, but Saraya got the ropes. Air Raid Crash dropped Saraya to give Baker two. Baker hit the Curb Stomp, but Saraya wouldn’t quit. Baker went for an avalanche Air Raid Crash, but Saraya countered into a sunset flip powerbomb for two. Fisherman Driver got Saraya two and she couldn’t believe it.
Saraya tried a full nelson, but Baker spun out into Lock Jaw. They traded a series of roll ups, as Baker tried a rip cord, but Saraya hit a knee strike for two. Baker was able to hit the rip cord elbow, spinning neckbreaker and Curb Stomp, but again, Saraya kicked out. Saraya hit another charging knee and hit the Fisherman’s Driver twice to get the victory.
ROH TV Champion Samoa Joe vs. Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Wardlow
Wardlow immediately went at Joe on the floor, posting him before Hobbs steamrolled the TNT champion. Hobbs controlled both early on, delivering clubbing blows on Wardlow and dropping Joe with a T-Bone suplex. Wardlow scurried up the ropes and hit a twisting dive to wipe out both Joe & Hobbs to gain control. A crushing senton delivered to Hobbs, but Joe hit a running senton of his own. Wardlow was dispatched, as Joe raked the face of Hobbs and hit a charging boot. Wardlow jumped back in and was quickly planted with a snap powerslam. Joe locked Hobbs in a guillotine, but Wardlow mowed them down.
Hobbs was lit up with Wardlow corner strikes, as Joe ran into a spinebuster for two. Hobbs & Wardlow spilled to the floor, where Joe wiped both out with a dive. Joe tried a powerbomb on Wardlow, but Hobbs hit a Pounce on Joe so destructive it’d make Monty Brown & Willow Nightingale proud. Back inside, Hobbs flattened Wardlow with a spinebuster for a close two. Wardlow & Hobbs jockeyed for position, Wardlow fired off two powerbombs, but as he went for a third, Samoa Joe wiped him out with the TNT Title. Joe locked on the Kokina Clutch on Hobbs, who passed out and Joe wins the title.
-Backstage Tony Schiavone interviewed Chris Jericho & Jake Hager about Sammy Guevara’s actions in their match. Jericho said he respects Guevara and he’ll be a future World Champion. Orange Cassidy & Danhausen interrupts and said that a former ROH TV Champion, Tomohiro Ishii, wants a title shot on Dynamite. Jericho said Ishii used to carry his bags and shine his shoes in Japan and grants Ishii’s request. Hager asks what’s in Cassidy’s bag; Cassidy showed the All-Atlantic title and says he can try to take it from him next week.
AEW Full Gear continues, stay with us for coverage!
Tony Schiavone rejoined commentary for the upcoming match.
Darby Allin & Sting vs. Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett (w/Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh) in a No Disqualification & No Count Out Match
Jarrett brought out 4 guys dressed in Sting masks for his entrance. A bodybag was shown at the ramp, as Lethal & fake Stings went up to check it out, as smoke fired up, Allin flew through the smoke and wiped them all out. The real Sting was behind Jarrett in the ring as the bell sounded and Jarrett got his ass kicked to TNA chants from the crowd. Lethal was launched off the top and took a Flair Flop onto the edge of the apron that looked gnarly.
All four men spilled into the crowd to brawl until Allin set up a ladder on the stage. He tried a Coffin Drop off of it and the stage, but landed into Satnam Singh’s clutches. Singh threw Allin like a sack of potatoes clear up the ramp as Taz giggled on commentary, questioning what is wrong with himself. Singh saved Lethal in the crowd from a fall, but Sting leapt out of the crowd onto Singh & Lethal. The action went to the ring where Jarrett did his strut and Lethal isolated Allin. Sting was able to make a hot tag and dish out Stinger Splashes and got the Scorpion Death Lock on Jarrett. Sting no sold Dutt trying to break it up, so Singh stepped in and delivered a vicious choke slam to Sting.
Allin & Lethal tagged in as a Lethal Combination got a two count on Allin. Jarrett wanted a guitar shot, nearly hit Lethal, but pulled it, as Jarrett was knocked down and Lethal at a float over stunner. Allin went for a Coffin Drop, but leapt right into a Jarrett guitar shot to the back. Allin kipped up and no sold it, delivering Sting-esque back hands, as Sting wiped out Dutt. Singh came back in, missed a splash, as Sting did a Scorpion Death Coffin Drop with Allin. Jarrett was wiped out by an Allin dive, while Lethal tried a Lethal Combination, but fell into a Death Drop in mid air. Allin hit a Coffin Drop on Lethal to get the win.
Jamie Hayter vs. Toni Storm
Crowd is really behind Hayter here to start, as the opening grappling exchange got Storm boos whenever she was in control. Both ladies tried their finishers, but the other had it countered into the face off. Shotgun dropkick sent Hayter to the apron where Storm hit Sweet Cheek Music to the floor. Hayter gained the advantage and launched Storm into the guard rail, but Storm posted Hayter multiple times to answer. Storm hit two chops against the post, but missed the third and chopped the steel.
Hayter controlled the action inside and used a nonchalant cover to get into the mind of the champion. Storm mounted a comeback, used another Sweet Cheek Music and top rope cross body for two. Both traded counters until Storm hit a step up Tornado DDT. Forearm exchange ensued before Storm hit a headbutt and both ladies collapsed with Storm on top for two. Rebel snuck down to ringside, as Hayter & Storm traded blows. Storm’s nose is busted open and as Hayter took the ref, Rebel smacked Storm with the title belt. Hayter hit a sliding lariat for a close two.
Referee Paul Turner saw Rebel on the apron and threw her out, as Storm leveled Hayter with a ripcord lariat of her own for two. Storm tried the hip attack the third time, but was sent outside. Storm fell down by the title belt and we saw someone zoom in with a Curb Stomp on the gold, which was Britt Baker. Hayter planted Storm with Storm Zero in the ring for a near fall. Hayter-ade missed, but Storm Zero hit for the champ, as Hayter kicked out at two. Baker distracted Storm long enough to turn into the Hayt-breaker for yet another close two for the challenger.
Baker removed a corner buckle pad, but Storm sent Hayter into her, knocking Baker to the floor. Storm charged, but ran into the exposed corner, as Hayter finally hit Hayter-ade to win the title.
The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) vs. Swerve in Our Glory (Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland)
Caster delivered an extended rap that had Kanye, Twitter, Jay & Silent Bob, Monster’s Inc & Blind Side references. Excalibur said no Billy Gunn tonight since he wants to control his emotions and not possibly cost The Acclaimed the titles. We’re told Bowens had been walking around with his arm in a sling following Wednesday’s match with Strickland.
Lee tried a powerbomb on Bowens, but Caster turned it into a hurricanrana. The Acclaimed clotheslined Lee over the top, as Lee really smacked his shin against the edge of the ring. Scissor Me Timbers leg drop to the groin delivered to Strickland, who fought back and isolated Bowens. Strickland went into the crowd and grabbed a barricade, as Lee told him to stop and Strickland told him to worry about Bowens, who Lee clobbered with an overhand chop. Strickland tried to suplex Bowens on the barricade, but Bowens reversed it. Lee kept Bowens isolated inside, as he & Strickland took turns picking Bowens apart until Bowens hit a reverse hurricanrana on Lee.
Caster made the hot tag and ran wild with a dive on Strickland outside, but tried to lift Lee and that wasn’t happening, so he settled for a hurricanrana off the second rope. Caster was cut off in the corner, fought Lee off and hit a super Fame-Asser off the top for two. Bowens nearly dropkicked Strickland onto the barricade, but Lee saved his partner. Caster went up top and hit a crazy cross body onto Lee off the apron through the barricade. Bowens hit a DDT off the ropes on Strickland for two. Roll through Flatliner from Strickland planted Bowens, as four Killshot kicks followed by Strickland, but Bowens kicked out. Strickland went for a Swerve Stomp, missed, as Bowens hit The Arrival. Caster reappeared and hit the Mic Drop, but Lee broke up the count.
Strickland fought off a double team and dropped Caster with a brain buster. Lee bealed Caster clear across the ring as Lee & Strickland hit the Fall From Glory, but Caster somehow kicked out at two. Caster made a blind tag off a powerbomb attempt, but it resulted in Lee powerbombing Caster onto Bowens. Caster was launched into the ring attendant table and Strickland pulled out pliers. Daddy Ass made the save, but never actually hit Strickland, who booted Gunn and he was held back by referees. Strickland wanted Lee to use the pliers, but Lee threw them away, so Strickland slapped his partner.
Lee helped Bowens up and left his partner high and dry, as Bowens got a school boy on Strickland for two. Bowens reversed a JML Driver into a blind tag to Caster, as The Acclaimed hit their finish to put away Strickland and retain the titles.
-Excalibur informs us Tony Khan has made Death Triangle vs. The Elite into a Best of 7 series with Death Triangle up 1-0 following their win tonight.
· Match 2 happening on Dynamite this Wednesday
· Match 3 will be November 30
· Match 4 at Winter Is Coming December 14
· Match 5 (if necessary) at Holiday Bash on December 21
· Match 6 (if necessary) at New Years Smash December 28
· Match 7 (if necessary) on January 11 at the LA Forum
Also on Dynamite this Wednesday
· Ricky Starks vs. Ethan Page in the Finals of the Title Eliminator Tournament
· Chris Jericho defends the ROH Title against Tomohiro Ishii
· Orange Cassidy against Jake Hager for the All-Atlantic Title
And now the main event of AEW Full Gear!
MJF vs. Jon Moxley (w/Lord William Regal) to win the AEW World Title
Regal left before the start, the crowd is firmly behind MJF, as Moxley quickly fired off strikes early until MJF did a Fargo Strut to avoid a drop down. MJF teased a dive to the floor, but just did a little cardio and hit the ropes a bunch. Moxley bit MJF and flipped off the crowd saying he loves this as he battered MJF in the ropes. Suplex slam into the STF by Moxley, as MJF bit free at Moxley’s hand. Moxley did the deal and got a Falcon Arrow into a cross arm breaker, but MJF scurried to the ropes. Moxley grabbed the title ringside and held it high, but MJF misted Moxley with a drink, as Moxley sent him into the steps.
MJF fired off jabs inside the ring, sent Moxley into the corner ten times and went to the floor to set up the time keepers table, kissing the title belt in the process. MJF took too long; Moxley fired off a Cutter and stomped onto the face repeatedly to loud boos. Moxley teased a Gotch piledriver through the table, but MJF blocked and hit a Tombstone on the apron, as MJF clutched his knee. MJF went for it again, but Moxley countered and hit a piledriver off the apron through the table. MJF barely beat the count and rolled right into a Paradigm Shift for two.
Moxley locked on a figure four on the bad leg, but MJF wouldn’t quit, as he reversed the submission and Moxley grabbed the ropes. Moxley spilled to the apron, as MJF hit the Heatseeker for two. MJF went for it again, but this time Moxley chop blocked the bad leg out. Moxley got crotched in the ropes, as MJF cut him off, but Moxley hit anvil elbows. Moxley connected with an Avalanche Paradigm Shift, but MJF got his fingertips on the ropes. Moxley jaw jacked with the fans, which allowed MJF to recover and spit in the face of Moxley, who had dared MJF to hit him.
Forearm battle with the yay-boo chants led to MJF pulling the ref into a charging Moxley. MJF pulled the Dynamite Diamond Ring out from his trunks, contemplated using it, as Lord William Regal made his way to the ring told him not to use it. MJF flipped off Regal and threw the ring down, but Moxley locked on the rear naked choke. MJF nearly got a near fall out of a corner kick out, but replacement referee Paul Turner got sent to the floor also. Bulldog choke by Moxley had MJF tapping out, as referee Bryce, the original ref was recovering. Regal told Moxley to revive the ref, as Regal tossed MJF a pair of brass knucks and he laid out Moxley for the three count to win the title. Regal smirked at MJF from the ramp and gave a nod, as Tony Schiavone said Regal just sold his soul to the devil.
That concludes tonight’s AEW Full Gear!