The biggest show on the annual IMPACT Wrestling calendar has arrived!
IMPACT Wrestling presents their annual Bound For Glory pay-per-view this evening, Saturday, October 24, 2020, from Skyway Studios in Nashville, Tennessee.
On tap for the biggest event of the year for IMPACT Wrestling this evening will be an eight-match card, with seven bouts advertised for the PPV card beginning at 8p/7c, and one scheduled for the “Live Countdown To Glory” PPV pre-show streaming across all of IMPACT Wrestling’s digital platforms starting at 7p/6c.
Featured below are complete IMPACT Wrestling Bound For Glory 2020 pay-per-view results from Nashville, TN.
Pre-Show Live Stream Errors
The PPV pre-show stream isn’t working on the official IMPACT Wrestling YouTube channel. The first few minutes just featured a loud squeal with colorful bars appearing on the screen. After two or three minutes, the stream was taken offline.
The pre-show is still available for those signed up to FITE TV, for free.
LIVE Countdown To Glory Pre-Show Panel
The LIVE Countdown to Glory pre-show for tonight’s IMPACT Bound For Glory 2020 pay-per-view kicks off with Jon Burton, Madison Rayne and D’Lo Brown appearing on screen as the pre-show panelists.
The trio talk about Rich Swann trying to overcome his injuries to dethrone IMPACT World Heavyweight Champion Eric Young in the advertised main event for tonight’s show.
After Burton, Rayne and Brown discuss the Swann-Young bout scheduled for tonight, they introduce the official pre-match video package to add some further hype behind the PPV main event.
Earlier Today: Eric Young Arrives
We are now shown video footage from “earlier today” of IMPACT World Heavyweight Champion Young arriving to the building at Skyway Studios in Nashville, Tennessee for his title defense against Swann later tonight.
Bret Hart Congratulates Ken Shamrock On HOF Induction
A video message featuring Bret “The Hitman” Hart congratulating “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock on being inducted into the IMPACT Wrestling Hall Of Fame. “The Hitman” calls Shamrock a pioneer to the MMA and pro wrestling cross-over stars.
Earlier Today: Rich Swann Arrives
Now we see Rich Swann in an “earlier today” video arriving to the building for his big showdown for the IMPACT World Title tonight against Eric Young.
Deonna Purrazzo/Kylie Rae Panel Talk
We head back to the pre-show panel where they move on to break down and discuss the Deonna Purrazzo vs. Kylie Rae match for the Knockouts Championship. The pre-match video package for Purrazzo-Rae airs now.
Live Backstage With Deonna Purrazzo
We shoot backstage where we get a live interview with the Knockouts Champion herself. Purrazzo talks about being ready for her title defense against Rae tonight.
Mick Foley Congratulates Ken Shamrock On HOF Induction
Now we are treated to another congratulatory video package, this time from WWE Hall Of Fame legend Mick Foley, on Ken Shamrock being inducted into the IMPACT Wrestling Hall Of Fame as part of Bound For Glory Weekend this evening.
MMA legends Congratulate Ken Shamrock On HOF Induction
Now we ee a trio of familiar faces to fans of the MMA community, as MMA legend and former UFC Heavyweight Champion “El Guapo” Bas Rutten, along with ESPN MMA reporters Ariel Helwani and former UFC title contender Chael Sonnen all congratulate Ken Shamrock on his IMPACT Wrestling Hall of Fame induction.
The Rascalz vs. The Deaners
It’s time for our lone pre-show bout of the evening, which will be contested in the tag-team division.
Out to the ring are the two teams for this match, which will be called by Matt Striker and Don Callis who are introduced on commentary. The teams are The Rascalz and The Deaners.
The bell sounds and here we go with the first action of the evening inside the squared circle here inside Skyway Studios in Nashville. Early on, Jake knocks Wentz down to the mat and tags in Cody. Wentz fights both guys off and now Dez tags in.
With both men outside the ring, we see Jake look for a suicide dive, however he eats a kick on his way out for his efforts. Cody is knocked out to the floor, with Wentz following up with a big splash.
Back in the ring, Jake heads to the top-rope where Dez stops him and goes for a superplex. He doesn’t get it, however. Instead, Cody joins in and hits a double power bomb on two men at the same time.
This sets up the finish, which sees Jake hit a flying headbutt only to have his pin attempt broken up by Dez. Jake is blasted with a super kick and a rip-cord knee. Now Dez is hit with the TQG for the finish.
Winners: The Deaners
Ken Shamrock’s IMPACT Hall Of Fame Induction
We are now getting geared up for the IMPACT Wrestling Hall Of Fame induction ceremony of “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock.
Matt Striker is out at a podium at the top of the stage on the Bound For Glory set to welcome the MMA and IMPACT Wrestling legend. He introduces the man who will induct Shamrock, none other than Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
The Rock appears via a video that airs and he talks about “The World’s Most Dangerous Man.” He reflects on moments they shared early in their respective WWE careers. Rock also gives props to Shamrock for helping him be the best heel he could be and tips his cap for the path Shamrock blazed as a MMA / wrestling crossover star.
Now we’re back live where Striker introduces Shamrock, who makes his way out to the podium. He stutters at first, which he acknowledges after stating he is nervous and doesn’t know what to say. He wants to thank some people such as Nelson Royal and others that helped him early on in his career.
Shamrock then goes on to thank the WWF, which he refers to by the old pre-World Wildlife Fund days name. He thanks Vince McMahon, Bret Hart, Mick Foley and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson for helping him establish his character. He thanks his wife and then the fans all across the world.
He gets a little amped up when thanking the fans. He says “God bless!” and wraps up his speech on that note. His music plays and Striker sends him off as another Bound For Glory PPV promo airs. Watch video footage of The Rock inducting Ken Shamrock into IMPACT Wrestling Hall Of Fame during the LIVE Countdown To Glory pre-show for the IMPACT Bound For Glory 2020 PPV.
Countdown To Glory Wraps Up
After the BFG commercial ad wraps up we head to the pre show panel again where the trio talk about some more matches scheduled for tonight’s PPV. They then wrap things off and send it over to the PPV broadcast, which kicks off NOW!
The elaborate IMPACT Wrestling Bound For Glory 2020 opening video package airs to start off the biggest event on the annual IMPACT Wrestling pay-per-view calendar.
We enter inside Skyway Studios in Nashville, TN. where we are greeted by our announce team before things are sent down to the ring for our first PPV bout of the evening.
6-Way Scramble For X-Division Championship
Rohit Raju (c) vs. Chris Bey vs. Jordynne Grace vs. TJP vs. Trey Miguel vs. Willie MackThe first bout of the evening will be contested for the X-Division Championship, as our 6-Way Intergender Scramble for the X-Title will kick things off inside the squared circle here on the PPV main card for Bound For Glory 2020.
After the ring introductions for our opening contest wraps up, the bell sounds and we get things started in the ring here on the biggest event of the year for IMPACT Wrestling.
We see Raju tries to leave right off the bat, but doesn’t get far. Everybody goes to work with some in the ring and others on the floor. Trey with a missile dropkick on TJP, he goes out to the floor. Trey focuses on Bey, lands a dropkick to the back, thrust kick to the face.
Rohit runs in, takes a few kicks though and runs to the floor. Mack gets in the ring, arm drag, flying shoulder, and out goes Trey. Grace runs in and throws some shoulder tackles, she finally throws a big one that puts Mack down, cover, two. Mack with a big power slam on Grace. TJP back in there, works the legs of Mack. Triple submission happens with all of the challengers, with Raju just looking on. He eventually kicks and punches everyone. Raju really controlling the ring right now, clothesline on Grace, stomps away on her and throws Grace to the mat.
Raju sends Trey back to the floor and keep his focus on Grace. Suplex, cover, one-count. Grace gets pulled out of the ring by Mack, pop-up forearm on Raju, and he goes out to the floor. Mack with some big shots, huge roundhouse kick on Bey. Raju tries to find help in the ring, but ends up getting hit one-by-one from each challenger. Mack with a standing moonsault, cover, and it’s broken up. Mack flips out on a couple people. Trey looks to fly, TJP stops him and puts him up on his shoulders on the apron. Bey dropkicks Trey and he flips down on a group of people. Back in the ring, Bey kicks away at Trey. Bey then leaps down on some more wrestlers. Raju with a flying knee on TJP, cover, two.
TJP counters with a pin of his own, Grace breaks it up. She charges into the corner and whacks Trey in the face. She heads to the top rope, Bey drops her and she’s in the tree of woe position. Grace ends up doing an assisted suplex/powerbomb move that sends three wrestlers to the mat. Raju with a double stomp on Grace, cover, broken up. Mack hits a stunner on Raju. Bey with a second rope cutter on Mack. Trey with a double stomp to the back. TJP locks in an octopus stretch. Grace gets tripped up into a modified knee bar. Trey tries to broke it up and ends up getting locked into it.
Grace gets to her feet and hits a senton. Grace driver on TJP, Raju breaks it up, but gets sent back out. Grace goes up top and gets thrown off down on Mack. TJP hits a top rope splash on Trey, Raju with a big kick to TJP’s face, and pins Trey to retain.
Winner and STILL X-Division Champion: Rohit Raju
Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match
After a quick backstage segment, we get ready for our second bout of the PPV card, which is the highly-anticipated Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match.
This one should be interesting, as depending on the outcome, a number of things could happen. The winner of this one will receive a title shot of their choosing in the future. If Rhino or Heath pick up the “W” in this one, Heath gets a full-time contract with IMPACT Wrestling. If neither win, both are out of IMPACT.
Returning to start off as one of the first two competitors in the bout is none other than Shawn Daivari. He will get things started in the Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match here at Bound For Glory 2020 against Rhino.
Rhino gets the upper-hand out of the gate. Both guys end up outside of the ring here in the early goings after they both fell to the floor after crashing through the ropes.
Larry D. enters the match. He sets his sights on Rhino from the word “go,” as he hits a big splash on the wrestling veteran after knocking him down to the mat.
Next into the bout is Crazzy Steve. He goes right after Larry, blasting him with some big shots before biting him and trying to eliminate him. Daivari stops that from happening.
Now Acey Romero is making his way to the ring as the next participant in the Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match. Per the match rules, he can team up with his tag partner, Larry D. And they do.
The two immediately go to work double-teaming Crazzy Steve. They hit a double-splash on him. Now we’re ready for our next entrant in the match, which is none other than Tenille Dashwood.
Dashwood takes her time making her way down to the ring. She sends Kaleb with a K in next. Havoc is in after that. Havoc makes an immediate impression in the match. Kaleb is hit with a power bomb by Havoc and sent out.
Dashwood is finally in the ring now and she goes after Havoc. Brian Myers also joins in on the fun as the latest wrestler to enter this wild match. Crazzy Steve is eliminated as Swoggle enters the bout.
Daivari is next out of the match after an assisted dropkick by Swoggle finds the mark. Myers then throws Swoggle out afterwards. Entering the match next is Tommy Dreamer, who makes his way to the ring sporting some Road Warrior Animal face paint and a similar hairstyle.
Swoggle gets back into the match and helps Dreamer hit a Doomsday Device finisher on Myers as another tribute to the Road Warriors. Alisha Edwards is next to enter the match. Myers sends Dream out of the match. Edwards blasts Myers with a Kendo stick.
Kiera Hogan comes out and is the next addition to the bout. Myers starts taking selfies along with Dashwood. He then picks her up to take another photo and ends up dumping her out on Kaleb for the elimination. Taya Valkyrie is next to enter the match and she immediately starts blasting guys with chops.
Fallah Bahh joins the bout now. Hogan is sent to the ring apron and subsequently pushed off by Havoc, falling down on Tasha Steelz, who crashes into a trash can. James Storm is next in the match. He spits beer in Romero’s face and hits Larry D. with a big kick. Storm sends Larry out and hits a backstabber on Bahh. He goes for a powerslam on Romero, but Acey isn’t having it.
Adam Thornstowe is out next, followed by the other member of Reno Scum. Next out is Heath and business is about to pick up. Immediately, Romero is sent out. Myers is sent out next. Heath is on fire.
Sami Callihan comes out and he enters. Hernandez enters after that. Heath has been down for a while, and appears to be hurt. Ref is talking to him in the corner. Bahh is eliminated. Hernandez appears to be as well. Heath is up but looks to be in pain. Rhino eliminates Reno Scum.
We’re now down to our final four, which are Heath, Rhino, James Storm and Sami Callihan. All four guys start swinging wildly. Callihan hits Storm with a super kick, who is sent out. Heath is then eliminated by Callihan as well. Now we’re down to just Rhino and Callihan in a singles match.
The Rhino and Callihan singles showdown begins with the two going at it and Callihan hitting a pile-driver on Rhino for a near fall. Callihan goes out of the ring and grabs a steel chair.
Callihan is told by the referee to put the chair down. The ref hands it off to someone. Sami, watching this, ends up distracted, allowing Rhino to catch him off guard with a gore. He follows up with a pin fall victory. With the win, Heath gets a full contract with IMPACT Wrestling, and Rhino earns himself a future title opportunity.
Winner: Rhino
Cinematic Experience
EC3 vs. MooseAfter a quick backstage segment with The North vowing to take back the IMPACT Wrestling Tag-Team Titles in their four-way showdown later in the show, we get ready for our next bout of the evening.
Next up on the PPV card is a “cinematic experience” type of match, featuring EC3 going one-on-one against Moose from an undisclosed location.
Moose drives to meet up with EC3 at his “Fight Club” location. We see EC3 beating the breaks off of someone in a ring. Moose enters the building and is looking for EC3. He enters the ring and is calling for EC3, who eventually makes his way in.
The two face-off with each other briefly and then starts firing away with various strikes to officially kick this one off. EC3 hits a big suplex, releasing Moose over his head and sending him flying. It’s worth noting some 1980s sounding music is playing in the background during this. EC3 is dominating the action early on.
EC3 with an exploder suplex, as he gets more and more fired up. Now he repeatedly stomps on Moose, putting the boots to his foe on the mat. Moose fights back with a back elbow, but EC3 drives his knee into the midsection of Moose to cut his momentum short. He follows that up with a big knee lift. Moose slows EC3 down with a low blow. Now Moose talks some trash as he grabs EC3 by his ear like a Grandma giving the business to her grandson for bringing home a bad report card.
Moose repeatedly slams EC3’s dome into the turnbuckle as he takes over the offensive momentum in this one. He fires away with big shots and now EC3 is bleeding. He hits a big forearm and grabs a steel chair. He asks EC3 some questions, but before he can hit him with the chair, EC3 hits a double-leg dive, taking down Moose and blasting him with ferocious punches on the mat. Moose ends up fighting back, decking EC3 with a big boot. The two brawl around the ringside area and EC3 slams Moose into the ring post face-first.
Now we see EC3 sending Moose crashing into the steel guard rail. He uses the ring post as a weapon again. EC3 says Moose is becoming what and who he’s supposed to be. The TNA World Heavyweight Championship doesn’t belong to EC3, it belongs to the people who busted their ass and earned it, whether the company was thriving or falling apart. Now Moose is busted open and bleeding. EC3 tells Moose to live up to his monikers if he wants to be the real champ.
After saying that, EC3 gets Moose in position for The One Percenter. Now we watch as EC3 starts having flashbacks from his previous run with IMPACT Wrestling. Moose takes this opportunity to blast EC3 with a spear. He repeatedly smashes the TNA World Title into his dome. The trainees of EC3 at his Fight Club location start chanting “Moose! Moose! Moose!” EC3 tells Moose to “control his own narrative.” Moose knocks EC3 unconscious with the TNA World Title.
Winner via Knockout: Moose
Eddie Edwards vs. Ken Shamrock (with Sami Callihan)
Now it’s time for our fourth match of the card, which will feature the newest addition to the IMPACT Wrestling Hall Of Fame.
Fresh off of his IMPACT Wrestling Hall Of Fame induction ceremony earlier during the LIVE Countdown To Glory PPV pre-show that included videos from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, “The Hardcore Legend” Mick Foley, MMA pioneers Bas Rutten and Chael Sonnen, as well as ESPN MMA reporter Ariel Helwani, “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” makes his way out for the next match of the evening.
Accompanied by Sami Callihan, Shamrock enters the squared circle where he meets Eddie Edwards in an advertised singles bout. The bell sounds and here we go with what is quickly turning into an unsanctioned MMA match, as these two appear to be doing a mat wrestling classic that features MMA style striking.
Shamrock catches Edwards early on with a big knee out of nowhere, leading to the MMA legend taking Edwards’ back and looking for a choke. Edwards ends up reversing and now he’s on top inside Shamrock’s guard. Shamrock escapes and now he’s working over Edwards. He’s throwing a lot of punches and knees to the head and kicks to the injured leg of Edwards.
Edwards keeps trying to fight back with a variety of strikes in his firing-up spots, but Shamrock keeps cutting his momentum short and taking back over control of the offense. Finally, as Edwards fires up for real, we see more pro wrestling than throughout the majority of the match thus far, as Edwards hits a blue thunder bomb. He follows-up with a nice dive and then a missile dropkick. He looks for the Tiger Bomb, however after he hits it, Shamrock reverses the pin attempt into a triangle choke submission attempt.
They reverse a few more times and this leads to Edwards hitting the Boston Knee Party before locking up a single leg Boston Crab in hopes of a submission victory over the submission specialist.
Now we see Callihan turn off the lights. When they come back on, he and Edwards both have weapons. Edwards takes out Callihan, however the distraction allows Shamrock to secure his Ankle Lock submission finisher on him. Edwards ends up tapping out.
Winner via Submission: Ken Shamrock
IMPACT Tag-Team Championships
Motor City Machine Guns (c) vs. Ace Austin & Madman Fulton vs. The Good Brothers vs. The NorthAfter the video package wraps up, we head back to the ring for our scheduled IMPACT World Tag-Team Championship match, which will feature four teams vying for the straps currently held by the Motor City Machine Guns — Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin.
In addition to the champs Shelley and Sabin, this match features the teams of Ace Austin and Madman Fulton, The Good Brothers — Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows, as well as The North — Ethan Page and Josh Alexander.
The bell sounds and here we go with our latest championship contest of the evening here at Bound For Glory. Before the match gets officially started, The North attack the defending champions MCMG, as Alexander blasts Shelley with a piledriver on the stage.
The pre-match piledriver from Alexander to Shelley resulted in Shelley being knocked unconscious, which led to a group of people dragging him to the backstage area instead of loading him up on a stretcher. Chris Sabin makes the call to continue without Shelley, as he intends to go it alone apparently.
Sabin sprints to the ring and starts swinging away at Page with wild haymakers in an act of rage after seeing what just transpired with his tag-team partner. Ace Austin eventually tags in and now he’s taking it to Sabin. He brings in Fulton, who uses the middle rope to choke Sabin. Fulton then climbs to the top-rope and stomps down to add further pressure on Sabin’s throat across the middle rope.
Now we see Fulton hit Sabin with a big atomic drop followed by a boot to the grill. Alexander tags in as Fulton takes a spot on the ring apron and watches on as The North member picks up where he left off, taking it to a beaten down, all alone and isolated in the ring Chris Sabin.
The beatdown of Sabin goes on for what feels like forever until finally the Motor City Machine Gun member fires up and hits a DDT on Fulton that causes a shift in the offensive momentum of the match, as he finally tags out moments later. He hits a dropkick on Anderson and then knocks Gallows out to the floor. Now, back as the legal man in the ring, he heads to the top-rope where he hits a cross-body on Anderson, however The Good Brother rolls through for a pin attempt of his own, which Sabin avoids by kicking out at two.
Anderson and Sabin are now duking it out as the lone men in the ring until Austin gets tagged in. He goes for a splash, however catches a dropkick on his way down in mid-air. Sabin follows up with some nice kicks before going for the cover, which Page breaks up before the count of three.
Now we watch as Sabin heads to the top-rope, however he gets stopped by Austin, Sabin tags Anderson in and then drops The North members. Gallows enters the ring and joins in. Austin hits a springboard kick on Gallows and follows up with a drop kick that sends him out to the floor.
Austin and Fulton double-team Anderson. Anderson ends up hitting a flying neckbreaker on Alexander to kill their momentum. Magic Killer on Alexander is attempted and Gallows is sent out to the floor again. Alexander goes for a cutter, but no dice. Anderson with a quick pin attempt. He ends up getting pushed into the ropes and Page answers back with a cheap shot, blasting him in the head with the title belt to set up the pinfall victory. As promised, The North recaptures the IMPACT World Tag-Team Championships here at Bound For Glory. Excellent match.
Winners and NEW IMPACT World Tag-Team Champions: The North
IMPACT Knockouts Championship
Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Su YungAfter the video package for our next bout of the evening, which will feature the IMPACT Knockouts Championship on the line in a one-on-one contest, wraps up, we head back down to ringside.
Before the champion and challenger head down to the ring with their respective ring entrances, we see Madison Rayne, who was featured on the LIVE Countdown To Glory pre-show before the PPV, make her way out.
Madison Rayne heads down to the announcer’s table, where she will provide guest commentary for this one-on-one showdown pitting IMPACT Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo defending against number one contender Kylie Rae.
Kylie Rae’s music plays, however nothing happens. The Knockouts Champion gets on the microphone and says she isn’t surprised as this has been the reputation Kylie Rae has had for a while now. She claims she’s willing to face anyone, man or woman, as a replacement opponent.
Su Yung’s music hits and out she comes. The announcers calling this one claim to have no idea what happened to Kylie Rae this evening.
The bell sounds and here we go with our late-replacement Knockouts Championship showdown between Deonna Purrazzo and the returning Su Yung.
Purrazzo and Yung with some back-and-forth exchanges to start this one off. They end up on the apron outside the ring ropes where they trade some more back-and-forth strikes until Yung hits a side-suplex to Purrazzo on the hardest part of the ring mat on the ring apron.
Back in the ring, Yung starts to pull ahead and begins to establish the offensive lead in this championship contest. As Yung goes for an Arachrana, Purrazzo blocks it and starts to shift the offensive momentum in her favor.
The champion focuses her attack on the arm of her short-notice replacement opponent, locking Yung’s arm up and hitting quick snaps and attempting a number of various submissions on it.
In a cool spot that was a tribute to SANADA, the champion locks Yung with a nudo on the ropes for a dropkick. She follows that up with three consecutive German Suplexes in a row, however before she could finish off the challenger, Yung blasts her with a DDT.
Su Yung fires up now with her big comeback, blasting the champ with palm strikes in vicious fashion and hitting a rolling senton from the ring apron to the floor after knocking her outside the ring. She goes for a pedigree but that still is not enough to keep the champion down.
Yung brings out her glove. Yung locks in the Mandible Claw and we get a ref bump spot. Because of this, the ref can’t count for a clear pinfall made by Yung. Kimber Lee, who is in the corner of Purrazzo, interferes and blasts Yung with a steel chair. This sets up Purrazzo going for the Purrazzo Pillmanize on Yung, which the challenger avoids.
Yung gets the claw on Purrazzo again and sprays poison mist on Kimber Lee when she tries to get involved again. Purrazzo ends up escaping the Mandible Claw. Su Yung hits Purrazzo with a cutter and a Panic Switch for the victory. With the win, Su Yung becomes the new IMPACT Knockouts Champion.
Winner and NEW IMPACT Knockouts Champion: Su Yung
The IMPACT Knockouts Tag-Team Championships Are Returning
We shoot to the announce desk where Josh Mathews and Don Callis, who are still joined by Madison Rayne from the Knockouts Championship match between Deonna Purrazzo and Su Yung, makes a big announcement.
It is announced that IMPACT Wrestling is bringing back the IMPACT Knockouts Tag-Team Championships. The first champions will be crowned at the first pay-per-view for IMPACT Wrestling of 2021 — Hard To Kill.
IMPACT Wrestling Hard To Kill, featuring the return of the Knockouts Tag-Team Championships, is scheduled to air via pay-per-view on January 16, 2021.
IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship
Eric Young (c) vs. Rich SwannIt’s time for the big one, folks! The IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship is up for grabs in our next and final bout of the evening here at IMPACT Bound For Glory 2020.
The pre-match video package for the IMPACT World Title showdown between Eric Young and Rich Swann airs. After it wraps up, we head back to ringside for our final time this evening.
The formal introductions are made now for this our main event and featured bout of the evening, which features the IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship on-the-line. The bell sounds and here we go.
As the two get ready for action, the announcers are quick to point out that Swann has gained as much as 25 pounds while doing rehab, which he apparently did to make his transition from the X-Division to the Heavyweight division, where he challenges for the richest prize that one can compete for here in this Bound For Glory 2020 final contest.
Early on, we watch as Swann dominates the offensive exchanges and the action as a whole. He hits a nice hurricanrana on Young. Young tries to get a heel hook on Swann once the two hit the floor outside the ring, however Swann shoves him off with his legs and sends him crashing into the steel ring post.
Young heads up the entrance ramp to get a breather and to regroup before reengaging with what is turning out to be a very credible challenger and opponent thus far.
Back in the ring, Young starts to take over the offensive momentum in the bout, slamming Swann down to the mat with authority. Moments later, Swann sends Young crashing out to the floor outside the ring with a leg-whip. Swann follows up with a crazy flipping dive out to the floor, splashing onto Young on his way down.
After a scare that saw Swann take a bump on his neck, Young starts focusing his attack on the neck of the challenger. He hits a nice top-rope neck breaker. Swann won’t stay down, however, as he keeps fighting back and hanging on just when it seems Young is about to finish him off.
As “The World Class Maniac” starts to get a bit over confident in his control of the contest, Swann starts to turn the tables back into his favor, as the momentum in the match swings back to the challenger once again.
Swann has some shine spots but Young cuts his offensive run short by going after his injured neck and now he’s focusing his offense on the previously injured ankle of Swann. Swann avoids a big pile-driver and counters with a big kick, which he follows up by hitting a standing Phoenix Splash for a close near fall.
Young gets Swann in the Tree of Woe, however Swann gets Young’s neck and holds onto it for leverage, swinging all the way around to hit a beautiful cutter. This leads to Swann hitting his Lethal Injection and another Phoenix Splash. 1-2-3. We have ourselves a NEW IMPACT Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion!
The entire baby face roster of IMPACT Wrestling performers makes their way out to the ring to begin a prolonged post-match celebration with Rich Swann, the new IMPACT World Champion. The show goes off the air as Swann’s celebration continues.
Winner and NEW IMPACT World Champion: Rich Swann
Countdown to Glory is LIVE on @FiteTV!
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) October 24, 2020
IMPACT Bound For Glory 2020 LIVE Stream & Reaction
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