White Rabbit

New QR Code Leads To More “White Rabbit” Teases; Further Bray Wyatt Speculation

— WWE aired another QR code last night on Friday Night Smackdown, leading to more “White Rabbit” clues and a fury of speculation that points to an imminent Bray Wyatt return. Here’s a recap of what fans have uncovered, with a great Twitter thread (click the Twitter link to read all the replies) summarizing everything new that was revealed yesterday:

  • The QR code was shown on Smackdown leading to a hidden page on WWE.com: https://www.wwe.com/1911, featuring early Porky Pig cartoon of The Three Little Pigs, The Big Bad Wolf which then turns to a slaughterhouse and a different wolf, similar to a tattoo that Bray Wyatt has.
  • A morse code is heard on the clip, which translates to “Azazel Reborn”, a demon/evil spirit.
  • In the bottom of the WWE.com link is a tiny, barely visible 20px by 20px image of a white rabbit which when you hover it, says “TS_S10E6”, corresponding to Episode 6, Season 10 of the Simpsons where the “White Rabbit” song by Jefferson Airplane is played.
  • The “1911” in the URL of the WWE.com page corresponds to a hat Bray Wyatt wore in a Firefly Funhouse segment with those numbers placed on the hat.
  • A sign seen behind the commentators on Smackdown “REVEL IN WHAT YOU ARE” was shown, a phrase that Wyatt has tweeted.
  • In the source code of the WWE.com page, a hidden phone is/was included that leads to an undecipherable audio message which when played backwards says: “Bravo. Echo. Lima. Alpha. India. Romero. I am the way into the City of Woe. I am the way into the eternal sorrow” with “The City of Woe” something Bray has said before on TV.
  • BELAIR (above) could be in reference to Philadelphia, PA (Fresh Prince of Belair who was from Philadelphia) – the site of next weekend’s Extreme Rules.
  • When the audio above is pitched up six tones/steps, the voice sounds very much like Bray Wyatt.

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