Returning ROH Superstar Granted Two Major Title Opportunities

Ring of Honor issued the following press release announcing that returning superstar Dragon Lee will receive two future opportunities for the ROH Television championship, as well as the ROH tag team championship, upon his return from injury. Lee’s partner Kenny King defended both titles on his behalf when he went down in March, and was unable to keep his grasp on either. Full details are below.

Dragon Lee is on his way back to ROH and he’s looking to regain the two titles he “lost” during his absence.

As announced on “ROH Week By Week,” Lee and fellow La Faccion Ingobernable member Kenny King will face ROH World Tag Team Champions Tracy Williams and Rhett Titus of The Foundation in a title match on “Ring of Honor Wrestling” the weekend of June 12.

The bout will be contested under Pure rules, as the ROH Board of Directors has granted the request of Williams and Titus that all of their title defenses going forward be Pure Rules matches.

Lee had been the ROH World Television Champion as well as a co-holder of the tag team title with King heading into ROH’s 19th Anniversary pay-per-view on March 26, where he was scheduled two defend both titles. However, a few days before the event, Lee underwent surgery to repair a ruptured eardrum and was unable to travel.

The ROH board decided that King would defend the TV Title on Lee’s behalf against Williams, and Bestia del Ring would team with King to defend the tag team title against Williams and Titus. LFI lost both matches.

It also was announced on “ROH Week By Week” that Lee will receive his opportunity to regain the TV Title, which is now held by Tony Deppen of Violence Unlimited, on a future episode of “Ring of Honor Wrestling.”

While Lee was recovering from his surgery, the ROH board suspended LFI without pay for the entire month of May for an accumulation of lawless actions.

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