Impact Wrestling TV Tapings Tonight (5/3/2019)

RVD vs. Tommy Dreamer Headlines Tonight’s Impact Wrestling Taping (Reports Needed)

In addition to this week’s episode of Impact Wrestling airing on Pursuit and Twitch, the promotion will once again be holding a set of television tapings this evening at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Scheduled for tonight’s Impact Wrestling tapings are the following matches:

    * Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer
    * Rosemary vs. Su Yung
    * LAX vs. Willie Mack & Rich Swann
    * Knockouts Battle Royal

If anyone is attending tonight’s Impact Wrestling taping in Philadelphia, we are looking for spoiler reports to be published here at Contact us via Twitter @MattBoone1984.

(Follow us on Twitter @eWrestlingCOM or myself, Matt Boone, @MattBoone1984 for more exclusive backstage wrestling news and rumors!)

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