eWrestling.com’s WWE NXT Results for the Wednesday, March 24th, 2021 edition of WWE’s black and gold brand, NXT, which airs from the WWE Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, Florida at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time/7:00 p.m. Central Time.
Advertised for this week’s edition of WWE NXT, WWE announced Oney Lorcan vs. Karrion Kross for the March 24th episode of WWE NXT which airs on the USA Network starting at 8/7C!
Earlier, Lorcan commented about William Regal’s decision to strip Lorcan and Danny Burch of the NXT Tag Team Titles. Burch suffered a separated shoulder because of Kross during last week’s NXT Tag Team Championship match.
Featured below are complete results and live coverage of the Wednesday, March 24th, 2021 edition of WWE NXT On USA Network which airs live at 8/7C! The following report was written by eWrestling.com’s longest running female reporter, Jamie Rush. Follow Jamie on Twitter @JamieRush312.
WWE NXT Results (03/24/21): Capitol Wrestling Center
Show Opening
Before we officially head into the WWE NXT episode for March 24, 2021 on the USA Network, we get the familiar WWE Then… Now… FOREVER!! sequence. As the clock officially strikes eight o’clock p.m. on the East Coast, we head into the opening sequence for WWE NXT as “All Out Life” begins to play.
Tonight’s edition of WWE NXT begins as we head immediately into a video package highlighting the events that took place leading us into the matches and action set for tonight’s show! As the recap and highlights come to an end, we now enter the WWE Capitol Wrestling Center at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. We are officially welcomed by the commentary team of Vic Joseph, along with Wade Barrett and of course the WWE Hall of Famer, Beth Phoenix.
Video Clip – “Earlier Today” Adam Cole Entrance To WWE Capitol Wrestling Center
We see a quick clip of former Undisputed Era leader Adam Cole entering the WWE Capitol Wrestling Center earlier today. Cole is led into the building by a security escort, apparently worried for his safety as he heads into the building for tonight’s show!
Dakota Kai & Raquel Gonzalez vs. Io Shirai & Zoey Stark
At this point we officially enter the arena at the WWE Capitol Wrestling Center to kick off the first match-up of the evening for the Wednesday, March 24, 2021 edition of WWE NXT airing on the USA Network! Out first is the team of Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez as their entrance theme plays them both to the stage. We then see Dakota an Raquel make their way down the ramp and enter the ring where they finish their entrance before awaiting their opponents for tonight’s NXT Women’s Tag-Team Non-Title match up!
Out next we hear the entrance theme for Io Shirai as she makes her way out with her tag-team partner Zoey Stark! Shirai makes her way down the ramp with strobe lights blinking and flashing as she finally enters ring to await the bell in her corner with Zoey. With both teams inside the ring, the referee signals for the bell. The bell rings, and the first match up of the evening is officially underway!! To start off the action, we get Gonzalez in for her team as well as Stark in for her team as Gonzalez immediately over-powers Stark to start the match!
Gonzalez begins to talk some smack to Stark as she shoves Stark across the ring and into the corner where she continues to manhandle Stark until the two finally Lock-Up. The Lock-Up ultimately leads to Gonzalez once again overpowering Stark into the corner as Gonzalez continues to trash talk her opponent in this tag-team match-up to kick off tonight’s WWE NXT episode! Raquel focuses on the arm of Stark at this point, only to have Stark finally retaliate with some Strikes of her own for the counter!
Stark continues with the momentum as she lands a Big Hurricanrana Takedown followed by a Running Uppercut to Gonzalez who is now using the corner to assist her back to a standing position. Next we see Gonzalez make her way out of the corner as she proceeds to land Stark on the outside of the ropes on the apron. Stark clearly not planning to go out like that, begins to make her way back into the ring as she lands a Knee to the jaw of Raquel followed by a High Knee to Raquel who again is in the corner of the ring.
Once again we see Stark looking to take control in the match up, only to have Gonzalez land a Clothesline that sends Stark to the canvas in the center of the ring. At this point we see Gonzalez make her way to her corner where she tags in her tag-team partner, Dakota Kai. As Kai goes to enter the ring, her tag-team partner, Gonzalez, proceeds to launch Kai through the air, landing onto Stark with a powerful Stomp that leads into a cover. The referee counts the one, two, but Stark is able to get the shoulder up as she kicks out before the three to continue the match-up!
Stark makes her way back to her feet as she lands a Hard Strike to Kai as they meet up in the center of the ring, followed by a tackle to Kai by Stark that leads into Ground and Pound action by Stark to Kai. Kai then powers Stark into the corner and as she looks to dominate, we see Shirai looking for the tag. Finally Shirai successfully makes the tag and comes in hot as she lands a Forearm followed by a massive Chop to Kai! Next we see Shirai and Kai both running the ropes as Kai looks for a Clothesline, but Shirai is able to evade. Shirai then immediately takes Kai down to the canvas.
Next Shirai lands a Basement Dropkick to Kai which causes the crowd to go crazy as they begin to cheer! After that we see Shirai power Kai into the corner where she proceeds to land multiple Strikes and Kicks followed by Double Knees. At this point Gonzalez sees her tag-team partner and friend needing assistance, so Gonzalez makes her way into the ring where she proceeds to have a shouting match with Shirai. Looking for a come-up during the distraction, we see Kai head over to Shirai as she quickly rolls Shirai for a cover. Shirai is still able to kick out at the two.
Kai again looks for the cover, again Shirai kicks out! Next we see Shirai take her turn for the roll up pin attempt, Kai kicks out at the two as the match continues on! Kai lands a few good Strikes before again looking to pin Shirai who again kicks out to continue. At this point Shirai traps Kai in the corner as Stark makes her way into the match with a Running Uppercut to Kai. Stark follows up as she delivers a Clothesline and looks for the cover. Kai gets her shoulder up just in time to break the cover count and the match continues! At this point we see Stark once again tag-in to switch with Shirai in the match.
Some back and forth action between Kai and Stark until finally we see Gonzalez make the tag to enter. Before Gonzalez can even enter the ring fully, she gets taken down with Head Scissors followed by a Running Knee to the jaw! Next we see Stark with multiple Kicks to Gonzalez. Gonzalez finally catches the leg of Stark to cut the rapid Kicks off. Stark then looks for an Enzuguri but Gonzalez evades. At this point we see Kai make the tag to return to the match with Stark. Kai and Gonzalez get some Double Team action in on Kai before we head to commercial break!
As we return from the commercial break, Gonzalez and Stark are still the legal opponents in the ring. Stark lands an Enzuguri to rock Gonzalez who then looks for the tag to Kai. The tag is blocked. Shirai enters the ring and finally Kai gets the tag. Shirai powers through both competitors, then lands a 619 on Gonzalez. As Shirai looks to climb to the top turnbuckle, we see that Stark has made the tag to Shirai. Before heading out to the apron, Shirai still makes her way to the top and proceeds to land a Missile Dropkick to Gonzalez.
At this point, we see Stark Springboard in on Gonzalez with a Missile Dropkick. Gonzalez is then sent to the floor by Stark, Gonzalez landing right next to Kai. Next we see Stark looking to launch herself from the ring to the floor to take Gonzalez back down. Stark ducks a Running Boot from Kai on the floor and sends her slamming into the post in the corner of the ring. Next we see Shirai head to the top where she proceeds to successfully land a Moonsault all the way to the floor, connecting to Gonzalez.
Finally we see Stark brings Gonzalez back in and she immediately heads to the top turnbuckle. A she looks for the 450, Gonzalez quickly rolls out of the way to evade! Again we see Gonzalez evade as Stark looks to land a Kick. Gonzalez then immediately follows up with a Big Slam of her own, sending Stark to the canvas. At that, Shirai slowly drags herself back in the ring. Gonzalez grabs Stark for the Big Slam, but first she kicks Shirai off the apron to the floor, and then drives Stark in the mat. Gonzalez covers Stark in the middle of the ring for the three count pin and win.
Winners: Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai
After the Match
Immediately following the match, Shirai crawls in the ring and faces off with her Takeover opponent in the middle of the ring. Kai comes in the ring but Shirai senses it, turning around to knock Kai back to the floor. As Shirai’s attention is on Dakota Kai, we see Gonzalez quickly take advantage of the distraction as she sends Shirai back to the floor at ringside!
Gonzalez follows Shirai to ringside and proceeds to grab her then follows up by landing Shirai on top of the commentary desk at ringside. We hear Shirai shout out in pain as she lays on top of the table. With that, we head to the replays and highlights from the match. As we return to ringside, we see Shirai is still laying face-down on the table as Gonzalez continues to look on. Strange.
Surveillance Footage – Adam Cole Attacks Kyle O’Reilly
Next we are sent into a video package that shows some surveillance footage that was collected, showing the former Undisputed Era leader Adam Cole sneaking in and attacking Kyle O’Reilly at the Gracie School on Tuesday.
Backstage Interview – Sarah Schreiber
Following the video, we head backstage where Sarah Schreiber is with Kyle O’Reilly. It is noted that O’Reilly also has security with him at all times now as well (similar to Adam Cole). At this point another (former?) Undisputed Era member, Roderick Strong, interrupts the interview as he states that he wants to see O’Reilly kick Cole’s ass for all he’s done to them.
To that, O’Reilly responds that he appreciates Strong’s words, “but there is no more ‘us'” and proceeds to remind him that this is just between O’Reilly and Cole. Strong seems affected by that statement and steps in to stare down O’Reilly just inches apart. Finally Strong shrugs and states that O’Reilly and Cole can BOTH go to hell, and with that, Strong walks off.
Seemingly not in a very “interview-y” mood, O’Reilly shuts the interview down and walks off with security at that point.
Backstage – LA Knight
As we head to a different area backstage, we see L.A. Knight standing in his ring gear as he cuts a promo on Bronson Reed. Knight states that tonight won’t be a pleasure for him. Knight goes on about how this is his game and that’s not an insult, it’s just a fact of life. On that note, we head to commercial break!
Backstage – NXT Cruiserweight Champion Jordan Devlin
As we return from the commercial break, we are once again backstage where the current NXT Cruiserweight Champion Jordan Devlin talks about his match with Kushida later tonight. Devlin then goes on to state that he’s going to make an example out of Kushida. He finishes by stating after that, he will then face the NXT Cruiserweight Champion Santos Escobar at the “Takeover: Stand and Deliver” event.
Bronson Reed vs. LA Knight
As we return to the ring, for the next match-up of the evening, we first get the entrance for Bronson Reed as his entrance theme sounds in the WWE Capitol Wrestling Center and Reed makes his way to the stage. Commentary notes that Reed is “all business” tonight as he makes his way to the ring with a serious and determined look on his face. Reed enters the ring and awaits his opponent for the next match-up of the evening. Out next is L.A. Knight as he makes his way down the ramp, entering the ring as his entrance theme continues to play.
Before the match officially begins, we see the two competitors having a back and forth convo. The referee signals for the bell. The bell rings and the match is officially underway! To start off the action both men head in to the center of the ring. Reed then lands Big Strikes on Knight early on.
**Be sure to refresh (F5) sporadically throughout the Wednesday, March 24, 2021 edition of WWE NXT airing at 8/7C!
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