Dean Ambrose Appears On 'Major Figure Podcast'

Ambrose On Current WWE Landscape: “People Are Just Here For The Money”

Dean Ambrose recently appeared as a guest on Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder’s “Major Figure Podcast” this week for an in-depth interview.

The Ambrose interview was a very typical one for the outspoken WWE veteran, and while the discussion was pretty basic, there were some interesting comments made about the passion they have for the business and how not everyone else currently succeeding in WWE has the same level of it as others.

Ambrose touched on this issue when talking about his childhood pro wrestling action figure collection and general lifelong love for the business.

“It’s easy to forget why you love wrestling,” said Ambrose when talking about the subject. “It’s still hard to wrap my brain around it that I’m even in WWE, because you’re so used to just walking around and seeing Vince McMahon and Triple H walking … like I’m so used to just having conversations with Vince McMahon.”

Ambrose continued, “It’s hard to remember like, ‘whoa, you were just a kid watching this on TV.’ It’s like, ‘whoa!’”

From there, Ambrose would touch on how there are others in WWE right now who are just there for the money and they don’t care about the business as much as he or others like him do.

“There’s a lot of people who are just here for the money,” said Ambrose. “That didn’t grow up watching it [and] don’t care. [They] don’t care what they do [and] have no artistic care for what we do, but you guys [Hawkins and Ryder] are like me … like … this is all we’ve ever loved.”

Ambrose concluded, “This is our thing.”

The comments are particularly interesting considering the recent news that Dean Ambrose has decided not to re-sign with WWE when his current contract expires after WrestleMania 35 in April, a fact that WWE themselves confirmed via an official statement released on their company website.

Check out the complete episode of Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder’s “Major Figure Podcast” featuring the Dean Ambrose interview at

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